About layout 1ups

Layout 1ups (parts) are treated as discrete object. Nonetheless, you can convert them to their constructional objects.


Control point

A layout 1up has one control point. By default, when the option Use origin to transform is not turned on for the particular layout 1up (for details, see how to edit layout 1ups ), its control point is situated at the lower left angle of its imaginary circumscribing rectangle. In this case, in the 1up drawing, the original placement of the 1up in relation to the origin of the coordinate system does not affect the transformations on the layout 1up.

NOTE: If you rotate the layout 1up, its control point might not be displayed as 'lower left", but in accordance to the rotation angle.

When Use origin to transform is turned on, the control point is situated at a location proportionate to the layout 1up that exactly corresponds to the mutual spatial arrangement of the origin of the coordinate system and the original 1up. Therefore, all transformations of the layout 1up will conform to this situation of the layout 1up's control point as if you were performing the transformations directly in the 1up drawing.

Picture 1. The 1up

The 1up in the 1up drawing

Picture 2. The layout 1up — 'Use origin to transform' is not turned on

'Use origin to transform' is OFF

Picture 3. The layout 1up — 'Use origin to transform' is turned on

'Use origin to transform' is ON

NOTE: If the original 1up is anchored at the first quadrant — that is, at the origin — of the coordinate system in the 1up drawing, there will be no visible difference between the locations of the control point in the two conditions described in Pictures 2 and 3.