Production processes associable with styles

The following is a list of production processes that you can associate with styles. The styles are displayed in the order in which they appear in the Production Process dropdown in the Production tab of a style.



Auxiliary Does not affect the structure. Does not appear in 3D models.
Creasing wheel * Produces creases.
Glue/Adhesive tape * Indicates the position of the gluing tape. Used primarily in corrugated structures.
Tear strip wheel * Indicates a scored band that, when torn off, removes the upper layer of material.
Reinforcement tape wheel* Adds an adhesive band, zone or tape.
Half-cutting wheel* Produces cuts at half depth.
Cutting wheel * Produces cuts at full depth.
Cutting guillotine Produces straight-line cuts.
Slot cutting* Produces slots using a U-shaped knife.
Cutting knife Produces cuts.
Creasing knife Produces creases.
Half-cutting knife Produces cuts at half depth.
Bevel cutting knife Produces slanted cuts. A parameter determines the tilting of cutting blade.
Bevel half-cutting knife Produces slanted cuts at half depth. A parameter determines the tilting of cutting blade.
V-cut channel Produces creases using a router or a bevel knife. Used for ICB, Greyboards.
Router cutting Produces cuts by means of a routing movement.
Wheel gluing ** Chiefly used on glue flaps.
Spot glue gun ** Chiefly used on crash locks.
Panel separator Visualization purposes only. Indicates the places where the 3D module creates virtual "creases" for the generation of 3D model. Does not affect the structure.
Glue area contour**

Indicates the glue-carrying area that defines the varnish blanket. Does not affect the structure.

Closed area contour **

Used for marking production-related zones, such as varnish or bleed. Does not affect the structure.

The *-marked styles relate to software integrated with EngView. They give the integration information that the processing of these objects is to be done on inliners or corrugating machines.

The **-marked styles relate to software integrated with EngView. They tell the integration about how glue is to be applied onto the media.