Automatic computation of angles

You can use automatic computation to define angles of geometric objects (line segments, axes, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, normal text, fills and images); layout and print parts; during translation and rotation transformations; and during insertion of base components.

How angles are computed

Angles are computed by adding a value to or subtracting it from the values of the coordinate axes' rays: 0, 90, 180, 270, 360 degrees. Each quadrant is divided into a (+) and (–) zones, which determine if the entered value will be added to or subtracted from the angle value of the nearest axis. The resultant angle is computed by adding the value you entered to or subtracting it from the value of the nearest coordinate axis.

To use automatic computation of angles

  1. When you are in the respective mode, in Angle enter an angle value of between 0 degrees and 90 degrees.
  1. Click Select Quadrant , and in the pseudo-coordinate system that appears, drag the mouse pointer to the quadrant in which you want your angle to be.
2nd quadrant
  1. In the quadrant, select a zone in which you want your angle to be: Select the (–) zone if you want your angle to be subtracted from the quadrant's upper angle value or the (+) zone if you want it to be added to the quadrant's lower angle value.
  2. Release the mouse button to confirm the selection.

The angle is computed by adding the value you entered to or subtracting it from the value of the nearest coordinate axis. In the example in Step 2, a value of 20 degrees is subtracted from 180 degrees, producing a 160-degree angle.


NOTE: Click an image to enlarge the picture.

1st quadrant

1st quadrant

2nd quadrant

2nd quadrant

3rd quadrant

3rd quadrant

4th quadrant

4th quadrant