Exporting layout parts as separate CF2 SUBs

If you want to export a layout drawing as a CFF file, you can have each layout part exported in a separate SUB. To do this, in the CFF export settings you must check the Export one shape per part check box and then type a naming format for the drawings that will contain the exported SUBs.

Clicking the check box makes available a string set field, in which you type a naming pattern for how the layout part SUBs will be named when the file exported.

Setting a name pattern for exported SUBs

In the cell, type a three-member string set in the following format:

%1!s! %2!d! %3!d!


%1!s! is the drawing name the program extracts from the original file.

%2!d! is the call index. This is the number the program assigns the actual part in the layout. IMPORTANT: Originally the call index and the part id (see next) are identical. But if parts were removed from the layout, the call index and the original part id will differ.

%3!d! is the original part id (a number) that the program assigns the part in the layout. You can see the id in the Id column in the Layers & Objects tab of the tabular area for the layout drawing.
