Alphabetical Mapping of Drawing Names. User-Defined Names

This page explains how EngView links (maps) alphabetical mapping of drawing names

Alphabetical Mapping of Drawing Names

When applying cost models that contain functions that cite system names (OneUpN, LayoutN), EngView links the system names to the actual drawings in alphabetical order. When the same cost model is applied to projects with identical structures but different drawing names, the extracted values may differ. The following example explains this.

I. The example involves two identical projects whose drawings have different names. Material thickness is used as the property to be extracted.

  Project 1 Project 2
Drawing Name Value Name Value
1up Part 1 2 Tray 2
1up Part 2 1.5 Lid 1.5
Layout Layout 1 2 Tray Layout 2
Layout Layout 2 1.5 Lid Layout 1.5

II. After the same cost model is applied, different material thickness values are extracted from each project. Alphabetical mapping works as follows:

applied function value project 1 value project 2
OneUp1.d() 2 1.5
OneUp2.d() 1.5 2
Layout1.d() 2 1.5
Layout2.d() 1.5 2

TIP: Before applying an OneUpN-patterned cost model to identically structured projects whose drawings have different names, make sure that in all the projects the drawing names follow the same naming pattern.