Creating design parameters

  1. Do any of the following:

The Cost Model Management dialog box appears.

  1. Select the cost model that you want to work with, and then click Edit.

The Edit Current Cost Model dialog box appears.

  1. In New, click the down arrow, and then click Design Parameter or Design Reference Parameter.

The Design Parameter, respectively, Reference Parameter dialog box appears.

  1. In Name, enter a name for the new parameter; in Expression, enter its expression. NOTE: An expression can be (1) a value for the parameter or (2) a formula, which includes other parameters and values, or both, that determine the parameter.
  2. (Optional) In Min and Max, enter a range of values which the parameter may take.
  3. (Optional) In Description, write a note about the parameter.
  4. (Optional) In Formatting, enter a formatting pattern.
  5. To close the dialog box and return to the cost model editor, click OK.
  6. To create more parameters, repeat steps 3–8.