Exploring parameter dependency levels

Selecting a parameterized dimension line or a whole component in the graphical area shows in the tabular area the levels of dependency of the parameters linked to the selected object. For example, if a dimension line is selected, the parameters that take part in the dimension line's expression are indicated in the tabular area.

NOTE: When an entire component is selected, all the dimensions in it are selected automatically and are visible both in the graphical and tabular areas.

To explore the levels of dependency of parameters

  1. In the tabular area, in the Parameters tab, right-click, and then click Trace object selection.
  2. To see the dependency levels, click the dimension line that is linked to the parameter.

The parameters linked to the selected dimension appear and the parameters on which these parameters depend. These parameters are indicated by icons showing the levels of dependency — direct, first- or second level.

The selected dimension is linked to parameter HO1.

An icon is a combination of a parameter's scope (local or global) and level of dependency relative to the selected parameter. The following table describes the possible icon appearances.

Global parameter

Global parameter direct dependency

Global parameter first-level dependency

Global parameter second-level dependency

Global parameter hidden

Local parameter

Local parameter direct dependency

Local parameter first-level dependency

Local parameter second-level dependency

Local parameter hidden