Dimensioning multiple lines

You can dimension the distances between a line and a series of other lines that are parallel to it. You can do so by clicking the first (reference) line and then consecutively clicking the parallel lines. You need click the reference line only once for the entire procedure.

You can dimension also the distances between a point (including control points of objects) and a series of other points that lie on the same line. For example, in a Bézier curve you can set the dimensions between the anchor point and the two handlers, since these lie on the same line.

To dimension multiple parallel lines

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click the reference line. (This is the line against which you will be setting the dimensions with the following lines.)
  2. Click a line that is parallel to the reference line.

A sample image of the dimension line appears that follows the pointer.

  1. Click to position the dimension line.
  2. Repeat Steps 3–4 for all consecutive parallel lines.

To dimension multiple points that lie on the same line

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click the reference point. (This is the point against which you will set the dimensions with the following points.)
  2. Click a point that lies on the same line with the reference point.

A sample image of the dimension line appears that follows the pointer.

  1. Click to position the dimension line.

Repeat Steps 3–4 for all consecutive points that lie on the imaginary line.
