Closing contours with lines, arcs

When you draw several consecutive lines, connected tangent lines, arcs or Bézier curves, you can connect the starting point of the first object you have drawn with the end point of the last object you have finished drawing. This enables you to produce an area that is fully enclosed by the drawn objects. You can connect the objects either by a line segment or an arc. To close an area with a line or an arc, you must have finished drawing at least two consecutive lines, connected tangent lines, arcs or Bézier curves without canceling the respective drawing mode, and you must have started drawing the next object before placing its final control point.

Closing a contour with a line

  1. Draw the first two (or more, but at least two) objects (lines, arcs or Bézier curves) consecutively. Do not cancel the drawing mode.
  2. During drawing of the next object but before placing its final control point (that is, the end point of a regular line or the third point of an arc by edges), do one of the following:

The end point of the last object you have finished drawing is connected with a straight line segment with the beginning point of the first object you have drawn.

Closing a contour with an arc

  1. Draw the first two (or more, but at least two) objects (lines, arcs or Bézier curves) consecutively. Do not cancel the drawing mode.
  2. During the drawing of the next object, but before placing its final control point (that is, the end point of a regular line or the third point of an arc by edges), do one of the following:

The end point of the last object you have finished drawing is connected with an arc with the starting point of the first one you have drawn. The closing arc is always tangent to the last object you have drawn at its end point, where the arc begins.