Drawing HV rectangles

You can construct a horizontal/vertical (HV) rectangle by defining its diagonal. Once a rectangle has been constructed, EngView treats its four lines as discrete objects.

The contextual edit bar

During drawing:

For help on snapping, see Snapping objects.

Starts the Detect Relations Manager.

The contextual edit bar may appear differently depending on the relations options you have set.


NOTE: For details about the attributes of regular lines, see Drawing lines and axes.

Control points

A HV rectangle has four constructional lines, each with its own control points and attributes. While you are drawing a HV rectangle, the following cursors pointers appear:

About to define the first point of the rectangle's diagonal.

About to define the second point of the rectangle's diagonal.

Tabular presentation

When you have finished drawing a HV rectangle, the object types, Ids, lengths, angles against the x-axis and styles of each side of the rectangle are recorded separately as regular lines in the Objects tab in the tabular area.

NOTE: For details about drawing, modifying and repositioning of regular lines, see Drawing lines and axes.

To draw an HV rectangle

  1. Do any of the following:
  1. (Optional) Snap the first point (vertex) of the rectangle to another object or point.
  2. In the graphical area, click to draw the first point (vertex) of the rectangle.

IMPORTANT: If you click a line segment to place the first point, the rectangle extension mode launches. To draw an HV rectangle, hold down SHIFT and click the segment to place the first point of the HV rectangle.

  1. To finish the rectangle, do one of the following:
  1. (Optional) To continue drawing HV rectangles with the same sides and heights but with different widths, move the mouse to where you want, and then click.

To reposition a rectangle by dragging

  1. Select all the lines of the rectangle.
  2. Do any of the following:
  1. Click to position the rectangle.

NOTE: If you select one line of the rectangle and drag it, EngView will reposition the line, and the rectangle will be transformed into a quadrangle.