Managing drawing properties, view side and grain direction. Accessing sheet and dieboard properties

When working in the graphical area, you can use a shortcut panel, called Front/Rear Side Marker, in the graphical area's upper left corner to access the properties, view side and flute/grain direction of designs, as well as access the properties of sheets and dieboards by using. From this panel, you can:

To edit technical and view properties

  1. In the upper left corner of the graphical area, right-click the Front/Rear Side Marker.

The marker's context menu appears.

Drawing Shortcut Panel
  1. Choose the action that you want applied to the structure:
Drawing Properties Opens a dialog box in which you can adjust various technical characteristics of the drawing.
View Front/Rear side Switches between viewing the front and the rear sides. NOTE: This will not transform the structure (see the note at Flip design.
X/Y flute/grain direction Change the direction of the material's flute or grain as your situation requires.
Sheet/Dieboard Properties Opens a dialog box in which you can adjust the technical characteristics of the applied sheet and/or dieboard.
Flip design Makes the current front side the rear side, and the other way around.

IMPORTANT: This action effectively creates a new structure. In this sense, a confusion might arise between viewing the structure's front or rear side and flipping the entire structure. The former action only gives you a view of the structure's rear side, whereas the latter produces a completely new structure in that the old structure's front and rear sides switch roles and become the new structure's rear and front sides, respectively.

NOTE: By default, the Front/Rear Side Marker is visible. If for some reason it is not, and you need it, right-click in an empty area, point to Show, and then check Front/Rear Side Marker. To have EngView display the marker by default, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the View tab. Then select the Front/Rear side marker check box.