Using the bFallBackToStyle parameter

In the formulas that follow, the bFallBackToStyle parameter causes EngView to compute the areas of quasi-dieboards — that is, areas formed by objects in the Dieboard style in drawings that do not have an actual dieboard. Most often these are drawings created outside EngView — for example, in the .cf2 file format.

How to use the parameter

If a drawing contains a dieboard, ignore the bFallBackToStyle parameter. For drawings that do not have their own dieboard object and you want to compute the area formed by objects in the Dieboard style, type true. See examples:

Expression What it means
$BoardArea()$ The parameter is ignored and plays no role.
$BoardArea(, true)$ EngView computes the area of the rectangle formed by objects in the Dieboard style. The area is computed in square millimeters, which is the default measurement unit.
$BoardArea(cm, true)$ The same as the previous example, this time the length is computed in square centimeters.