Measuring the tool offsets оn inliner machines


The formula produces a list of values that indicate the positions — vertical or horizontal — of the creasing tools оn inliner machines. The values are the distances of the creasing tools between each other and from the sheet's edges.

The formulas count the lines according to:

Formula pattern

List of offsets 1up, layout $OneUpN.ToolOffsetList(StyleNAME, addLastCut[=false], alignToSheet[=true]; TOOLdirection; tolerance[; Units; rounding ["separator"]])$


USAGE NOTE: In the formula, type a value for the tolerance — for example, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.25 (see examples below). If you do not want to use a tolerance variation, type zero (0).

DEFAULT TOLERANCE NOTE: The EngView applies a standard, system-set tolerance — $epsa()$ (for angles, 0.001 degrees) and $epsd()$ (for distances, 0.0002 in the selected metrics).

NOTE ON ROTATED DESIGNS: If the design is rotated, the formulas require that the angle of rotation is entered — see the parameter ToolDirection in the formulas' syntaxes. In this case, the measurements are again made relative to the leftmost edge of the bounding rectangle, which, too, is rotated at the same angle as the design.

Applying the formula

Examine the following 1up drawing, and then see the examples below. Note the indicated distances and see how EngView uses the formula to extract their values

Using the default values

$OneUp1.ToolOffsetList(Creasing; false; true; 180-fd(); epsa(); mm ; n2 " – ")$ = 40 – 120
$OneUp1.ToolOffsetList(Creasing; ; ; 180-fd(); epsa(); mm; n2 " – ")$ = 40 – 120


NOTE: The two formulas produce the same result, but the second uses spaces to refer to the default values.

Variant 1

$OneUp1.ToolOffsetList(Creasing; false; false; 180-fd(); epsa(); ; n0 " – ")$ = 30 – 120


Variant 2

$$OneUp1.ToolOffsetList(Creasing; true; true; 180-fd(); epsa(); ; n0 " – ")$ = 40 – 120 – 75


Variant 3

$OneUp1.ToolOffsetList(Creasing; true; false; 180-fd(); epsa(); ; n0 " – ")$ = 30 – 120 – 50