Working with guides

What are guides

Guides are axis-like infinite lines that divide — but do not break or split — an object into equally sized sections. This helps you, for example, to distribute evenly an additionally drawn object or a group of objects along the base object.


An object has been split. As a result, three discrete object have been created.

Guides have been added to an object (highlighted). The object remains in one piece.

Why use guides

Guides are useful when you need to divide an object into equally sized sections so that you can draw objects to a specific part of it. An example is when drawing box dividers need to be positioned at equal distances along a line. You can use guides, draw a divider at one of the sections, and then translate the drawn object along the line at the rest of the intersections between the object and the guides.

Three guides were added the rectangle's lower line, dividing it into four sections. Then a divider was drawn at one of the crossspoints, which was then copied to the other two.