Opening/exporting artboards as separate Illustrator documents

When working with the artboards in a project, you can:

To open/export an artboard as a separate Illustrator document

  1. In Illustrator, on the Tools toolbar, click EngView Export Tools .

NOTE: To view the default tools tab, on the Window menu, point to Tools, and then click Default.

When you click the EngView Export Tools button, a list appears with three options.

(requires selection) Open artboard as separate document The integration opens the artboard selected in the document window in a separate, non-scaled file that features all the artwork applied to it.

Export all artboards as PDFs The integration exports as PDF all artboards in the document window to a directory of your choice. Each artboard is exported as a separate document.

Export used artboards as PDF The integration exports as PDF all artboards to which an article other than <none> is applied (pictured). Each artboard is exported in a separate document.
