Assigning finishing processes

In Illustrator, you assign processes to:

To assign a finishing process

  1. In the EngView Processes panel, click New process .

A new row appears in the list of processes.

After you create a new process association, its row appears below the most recent association. None Selected and Ignore are the default entries for the structure and process, respectively.

  1. In the new row, click the box in the Colors / Layers / EV Drawings column, and then select the type of structure to which you want to assign a finishing effect.
  2. After you have selected a structure, click the box in the Process column of the row to select the effect available for the selected structure.
  3. If the selected process requires a value, click the box in the Value column, and then select the relevant value for the process.

In the picture below, a gloss lamination has been assigned to an article's front.

  1. If the selected process requires an additional setting (appears automatically in the panel's bottom), use the slider to adjust the setting's value that you need.

NOTE: Additional values vary between processes depending on the nature of the process. For example, partial foil stamping requires that you set its thickness in microns; imprint (bossing, debossing) effects require adjustment of the height in microns; color print requires adjusting the opacity in percentage.