Artworks: Work environment

The following graphics show how artworks are visualized in the 1up and 3D drawings.

In the 1up drawing

  1. The currently selected artwork
  2. The layers associated with the currently selected artwork
  3. Existing layers associated to other artworks. In brackets are the names of the artworks that use the layers.
  4. Objects in the layer selected in the table.

In 3D drawing

  1. The structure visible in the 3D model area
  2. The active artwork visible on the structure in the 3D model area
  3. The layers associated with the active artwork
  4. The properties of the layer selected in the table

Variant 0 (1up structure). No layer-borne effects are applied.

Variant 1. Applied layer-borne effects: color print (1up view)

3D view

Variant 2. Applied layer-borne effects: color print, embossing (1up view)

3D view

Variant 3. Applied layer-borne effects: color print, gloss varnishing (1up view)