Fixing 1up

In an imported file, the layout may appear visually correct, but its 1up may be missing some of the constructional components that would make it complete. Consider the following example.

Layout drawing

1up drawing

In the layout drawing, two lines have been added to the layout by hand. In the 1up drawing, the corresponding line is missing.

With Package Designer you can repair the 1up. The program uses constructional data from the layout drawing and transfers it to the 1up drawing.

To fix a 1up in a layout drawing

NOTE: If there are more than one possibilities for correcting the 1up, an alternative choice panel that appears — — in which you can choose the solution that suits your case.

A message appears telling you how many objects have been added to the 1up.

The correcting components have been added to the 1up. For easier further check, they remain selected. Note also that the original components are kept in the layout.