Swapping layout 1ups, in pairs and in groups

In a layout drawing, you can swap:

In the example that follows, we will swap the places of two groups of layout 1ups.

  1. In the layout drawing, on the Transformation toolbar, click Swapping .
  2. Click and drag to encircle the first group of layout 1ups (parts); when you have grouped the layout 1ups that you want, click (pictured).

The program encloses the selected layout 1ups in a green rectangle.

  1. Click and drag to select the second group of layout 1ups (pictured).

The program encircles, in a green rectangle, also the layout 1ups in the second group.

IMPORTANT: If the geometries of the two selected areas are such that cannot be successfully swapped, the program highlights them in red.

  1. Click to swap the places of the two areas.

The two selected areas have changed places.

The program swaps the two selected 1up groups.