Swapping artworks applied to layout 1ups

In a layout drawing, you can swap the artworks on layout 1ups that have identical structures.

IMPORTANT: Note that the functionality swaps the two artworks, not the layout 1ups. That is why it is necessary that the layout 1ups are of the same structure. The action would otherwise be meaningless as the two artworks would not fit on differently sized structures.

  1. In the layout drawing, on the Transformations toolbar, click Swapping .
  2. In the graphical area, click the first layout 1up (part) whose artwork you want to swap with that of another part.

The program encloses the selected layout 1up in a violet rectangle.

  1. Click the layout 1up that contains the artwork that you want to swap.

After you click, the program swaps the two artworks.

  1. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to swap the following two artworks.

The end result should look like the following: