Video Tutorial: Making additional optimizations to layouts

In this video we create a layout drawing by using two sample designs. To further adjust the placement of the parts in the layout, we use the additional optimizations functionality.

Video: Additional optimizations to layouts

Click the icon to watch the video. Running time: 1:26 min.


  1. Have open the EVF 11001 and a second drawing, Drawing2. (To view the shape of the second drawing, see the video).
  1. To create a new layout drawing, do one of the following:

note: Ensure that the Run layout wizard check box is selected.

  1. Choose a template for the layout: from the Predefined Template list, select 1x1; then in the Drawing list of the Select Template step, select EVF 11001.
  2. Click Next.

The Sheet Placement step appears.

  1. To select a sheet type, from the list next to the Sheet Name field, select Bobst 104/E/-ER.
  2. In X Gap and Y Gap, enter the value 3.
  3. To star using the additional optimization functionality, select the Additional optimizations check box.
  4. To use manual pattern construction, under Pattern Construction click the Manual option.

The Additional Layout Pattern step appears.

  1. Choose a new template and insert the second drawing: in the Predefined Template list, select 1x1, and then in the Drawing list, click Drawing2.
  2. Click Next.

The Sheet Placement step of the layout wizard reappears.

  1. In Row gap, enter the value 3.
  2. To complete the creation of the layout, click Finish.