Video Tutorial: Creating a simple layout

In this video we create a layout drawing of a resizable design. To automate the placement of layout 1ups, we use the Template Layout Wizard.

note: When you have created a layout with the Template Layout Wizard, you can make further changes later by using the layout template.

Video: Creating a simple layout

Click the icon to watch the video. Run time: 0:45 min.


  1. Having your project open, do one of the following:

note: In the wizard that appears, ensure that the Run layout wizard check box is selected.

  1. Choose a working template for the layout: from the Predefined Template dropdown list of the Select Template step, select 1x1, and then click Next.
  2. In the Sheet Placement wizard page that appears, in Y Gap enter 10.00 for the vertical gap between the rows in the layout.

note: Such a gap is necessary due to the dust flap fillets: if the parts are adjoined, the cutting rule will have to switch direction too abruptly, which, technologically, is hard to accomplish.

  1. In the Sheet Placement wizard page, click the Fill by Counts option, set the number of rows and columns of the layout: 4 rows x 3 columns.
  2. To rearrange the sheet according to the newly applied order, click Calc Sheet.
  3. Click Finish.