Video Tutorial: Creating layouts by using a predefined 2-parts-in-rows template

In this video we create a layout drawing by using a predefined template. This automates the placement of the layout 1ups in the layout, as well as their relative situation.

Visual: Creating layout using a 2-parts-in-rows template

Click the icon to watch the video. Run time: 1:18 min.




  1. Having A2420 Straight Friction Tuck.evr open, insert EVF11040 Straight Friction Tuck.evr: On the File menu, click Insert Drawings.
  2. In the Insert Selected Drawings dialog box that appears, select EV Resizable Design (*.evr) from the Files of type list, point to EVF11040 Straight Friction Tuck.evr, click Add, and then Insert.
  3. To use the original name of the drawing to be inserted, in the Enter new drawing name dialog box that appears, click OK.
  4. Do any of the following:

To directly invoke the wizard, make sure the Run layout wizard check box is selected.

  1. Choose a template: from the Predefined Template combo box of the Select Template step, select 2 parts in rows, and then click Next.
  2. In the Select Template step, for the second row, select the EVF11040 from the lower Drawing combo box, and then click Next.

The Sheet Placement step appears.

  1. In Correction, enter a value of 5 mm for vertical correction. (This is the vertical gap between the rows in the layout.)

note: A gap of 3 mm or more is considered necessary due to the fact that if the parts are adjoined, the cutting rule will have to change direction too abruptly, which is technologically hard to accomplish.

  1. To select a sheet type, in the Sheet Placement step, from the list next to Sheet Name, select the Bobst SP 102/3/4 sheet.
  2. Click Finish.