Deleting parameter template components: Selection types and entries. Deleting functions

When you delete a parameter template from the templates repository, you will no longer be able to use it in your projects. EngView deletes also the respective PAR file from the default parameter templates folder.

NOTE: The project stores the parameter template together with the project file. That is why, if you open a file that uses a parameter template that has already been deleted or is missing, this parameter template will be loaded in the program when the project is opened.

Deleting selection types Deleting selection type entries Deleting functions

To delete a parameter template

  1. On the Tools menu, click Parameter Templates.

The Manage Parameter Templates dialog box appears.

  1. In the list of templates, select the template you want to delete, and then click Delete.

The selected template is deleted and its .par file is deleted from the default parameter templates folder.

Deleting selection types

  1. Click the Selection Types tab.
  2. Select the selection type that you want to delete.
  3. To delete the selection type, do any of the following:

The Remove Item dialog box appears.

Substitute with element value In the functions or parameters where the selection type is used, substitutes the selection type with its current value.

Remove without substitution The selection type will be deleted together with all its entries.

IMPORTANT: This may make unworkable the parameters or functions in which the selection type was used.

  1. Select the option that you need, and then click OK.

The dialog box disappears and in the Edit Parameter Template dialog box the selection type is no longer on the list.

Deleting selection type entries

  1. Click the Selection Types tab.
  2. Select the selection type from which you want to delete an entry.
  3. In the selection type's preview pane, select the entry that you want to delete.
  4. To delete the entry, do any of the following:

A Remove Item dialog box appears.

Substitute with value The entry will be deleted and will be substituted with the shown value.

Substitute with The entry will be deleted and will be substituted with an entry from the dropdown list. In the list, select an entry.

Remove item without substitution The entry will be deleted and its place in the formula(s) will be empty.

IMPORTANT: This may make unworkable the formulas or parameters in which the deleted entry was used.

Deleting functions

  1. Click the Functions tab.
  2. Select the function that you want to delete.
  3. To delete the function, do any of the following:

Substitute with The function will be deleted and will be substituted with one from the dropdown list. In the list, select a function.

Remove item without substitution The function will be deleted and its place in the formula(s) will be empty.

IMPORTANT: This may make unworkable the formulas or parameters in which the function was used.

  1. Click OK.