Vertical points relation

Two or more points are vertical if they lie on an imaginary line that is parallel to the y-axis. There is no indicator for a vertical points relation.

To detect a vertical points relation implicitly

  1. Before you place the respective control point of the object you are currently drawing, point to position the point preview to be vertical with the reference (control) point, that is, the point that you want to lie on the same imaginary line parallel to the y-axis together with the point you are about to place, until the two points are snapped. Two points are vertical when a light-blue intermittent line appears, connecting them.
  1. Click to place the control point.

The points are snapped as vertical.

note: A vertical points relation can be detected if the Vertical Points check box in the Tools | Options | Relations tab is selected.

  1. To detect vertical points relation through snapping

  2. Use the vertical points snapping mode to detect a vertical points relation for the control points of the object you are currently drawing and thus snap the point accordingly.

  3. Example

  4. The example below shows vertical points:

  5. note: Since a vertical points relation is defined between a line or two points and the y-axis, when you move vertical points they are not kept parallel to the y-axis: a vertical points relation is detected, but is never set.