About resizable templates and resizable structures


Resizable template

Resizable structure

Library of Resizable Designs: system location

Editing a resizable design project



For the correct work with EngView Package Designer, it is important to understand the difference between resizable templates and resizable structures.

Resizable template

A resizable template is a parametrized drawing that serves as the foundation for creating a resizable structure. A template consists of a base (base component) with attached single components.  The EngView Library of Parametric Designs contains groups of ready-to-use resizable templates, which you can use for creating production-ready structures (.evd files).

IMPORTANT: Resizable templates do not change after you have used them as basis for a resizable structure. NOTE: Resizable template files have the .evr file extension.

Resizable structure

A resizable structure is a production-ready model of a packaging item.

You build a structure on the basis of a resizable template by adding or removing parametric (resizable) components and editing parameters. A resizable structure has all necessary relations between its components, which allows further parametric resizing.

NOTE: Resizable structure files have the .evd file extension.

Building a resizable structure

(1) Based on a resizable template -- (1) by editing parameters; (2) by adding or removing resizable components, or (3) or both.

IMPORTANT: After you save the resizable structure (.evd file), the original resizable template file (.evr file) does not change and remains in the state it was in when it was first designed: Its structure and parameter values remain as they were created originally, even if you changed them during the creation of the resizable structure.

(2) Based on a blank drawing. You assemble a resizable structure by using parametric components (base, single and compound) from the Synergy Components Library.

IMPORTANT: Resizable structures (.evd files) change when you use them as starting point for a new project. To prevent this change, always use the Save As command.

Library of Resizable Designs location

EngView Library of Resizable Designs' default location is C:\EngViewWork7\Standards Library\[ mm, inch ]\EV Standards. To change the location, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then in the File Locations tab edit the path in Standard files in the edit field Standard Library folder.




A resizable design is a graphic model of a packaging item. It is assembled from parametric (resizable) components and consists of a base (base component) to which single and/or compound components are attached. A resizable design has all necessary geometric relations, active dimensions and corresponding parameters, which allows designers to resize it.

A resizable design is an EVR file.

Editing a resizable design project

You edit a resizable design by attaching or removing components, not by drawing or editing geometric objects. While working on a resizable design project, you can: