Defining a selection application zone

Before beginning a selection by dragging, you need to set how the selection will be applied to the objects in the graphical area.

To define a selecting rectangle

  1. Do any of the following:

A contextual edit bar appears.

  1. Consider the objects that you want to select, and then press the selection buttons on the toolbar. The options are:

Select with Intersect Selects all the objects that fall within the rectangle, either entirely or partially.

Select Outside Objects Selects all objects that are entirely outside the rectangle.

The two buttons can be used independently of each other. This produces four selection combinations:

— Selects the оbjects that are outside the selection rectangle, either entirely or partially. Objects that are entirely inside the selection rectangle are not selected.

— Selects the objects that are inside the selection rectangle, either entirely or partially. Objects that are entirely outside the selection rectangle are not selected.

— Selects the objects that are entirely outside the selection rectangle. Objects that are inside the rectangle, either entirely or partially, are not selected.

— Selects the objects that are outside the selection rectangle, either entirely or partially. Objects that are entirely inside the rectangle are not selected.