Moving styles around the styles list

You can move styles around the styles list and position them where you need them. You can also make an existing style a child style of another style and the other way around.

To move a style around the styles list

  1. In the Global Styles dialog box, select the style that you want to move.
  2. Drag the selected style to where you want to position it.

The style Print Area (visible at the mouse pointer) is being dragged from its original place (selected) to another place up the list.

TIP: If while dragging you reach the end of the visible area of the styles list and want to continue farther, use the scroll button while dragging.

To make a style a child style to another style

  1. In the Global Styles dialog box, select the style.
  2. Holding down CTRL, drag the style to the style of which you want to make the selected style child style.

NOTE: To make a child style an independent style or a child style of a other style, holding down SHIFT + CTRL, drag the style to where you want it to be.

TIP: If you reach the end of the visible area of the styles list and want to continue farther, use the scroll button while dragging.