Converting text

Converting normal text to TrueType text

  1. Select the text.
  2. Rest the pointer over the text to highlight it, right-click, and then click Convert to True Type Text on the context menu.

Converting normal text to vector text

  1. Select the text.
  2. Rest the pointer over the text to highlight it, right-click, and then click Convert to Vector Text on the context menu.

Converting TrueType text to letters

  1. Select the text.
  2. Rest the pointer over the text to highlight it, right-click, and then click Convert to Letters on the context menu.

Converting vector text to letters

  1. Select the text.
  2. Rest the pointer over the text to highlight it, right-click, and then click Convert to Letters on the context menu.

NOTE: This procedure applies for both vector and TrueType letters. Vector text letters are converted to line segments. TrueType letters are converted to line segments and curves, depending on the letter shape.

To convert letters to objects

  1. Select the letters.
  2. Rest the pointer over the letters to highlight them, right-click, and then consider the following cases:

Converting TrueType letter curves to arcs

During this procedure, due to their particular shape, some TrueType text letters are converted only to line segments.

  1. Select the curve resulting from the conversion of a TrueType text letter to its constructional objects.
  2. Rest the pointer over the curve to highlight it, right-click, and then click Convert to Arcs on the context menu.

The curve is broken down to a set of connected arcs in the shape of the former curve.

NOTE: You can also convert to arcs a group of selected Bézier curves, ellipses, elliptical arcs and/or TrueType text letter curves.