Extending and shortening of objects

You can extend and shorten only regular lines and arcs. When you extend or shorten a line or an arc, EngView applies the action either by using a fixed distance or to the nearest point of intersection with another object.

To extend a line

  1. Do any of the following:

A contextual edit bar appears above the graphical area.

The Extend contentual bar
  1. Consider your situation:

Extend to the nearest point of intersection with the nearest unselected object

  1. Ensure that dL is empty and no objects are selected in the graphical area.
  2. Point to the half of the line segment that you want to extend.

If there is at least one object lying on the line's extension path, EngView extends the line to the first intersection point. The distance between the line's end and the intersection point appears in dL.

Line extended to the nearest point of intersection
  1. Click to fix the extension.

Extend to the nearest point of intersection with a selected object

  1. Select the object to which you want to extend a line.
  2. Press the Use Selected button Click to extend to a selected object and ensure that dL is empty.
  3. Point to the half of the line segment that you want to extend.

EngView extends the line only if it has a point of intersection with the selected object. Any points of intersection with unselected objects are ignored.

Extend the line by a distance

Extend by a fixed length

  1. In dL, type a positive value for the distance by which you want to extend the object, and then press ENTER.

Nothing will take place that you can see on the screen.

  1. Rest the mouse pointer over the half of the line that you want to extend.
Extend or shorten a line by a distance
  1. Click to extend.

Shorten by a fixed length

  1. In dL, enter a negative value for the distance by which you want to shorten the object, and then press ENTER.

Nothing will take place that you can see on the screen.

  1. Rest the mouse pointer over the half of the line which you want to extend.
  2. Click to fix the extension.

Extend by a manually set distance

  1. Ensure that dL is empty and that no objects lie on the line's extension path: (1) Click the half of the line that you want to extend, (2) release the mouse button, and then (3) move the mouse in the direction that you want.

A projection of the extended line appears following the movement of the pointer.

Extended/shortened line
  1. Click to fix the extension.

NOTE: You can use this procedure also to shorten a line: (1) Click the line, and then (2) Move the mouse pointer along the line.