Mirror representation

In mirroring a geometric object, the program creates a mirror image of the object at another place in respect of a line or an axis.

To create a mirror image of an object or a series of objects

  1. Select the objects you want to mirror.
  2. Do any of the following:

A contextual edit bar appears above the graphical area.

The Mirror button and its submenu item are available only if there is a geometric object selected in the active drawing.

  1. (Optional) To keep the objects in their original location, on the contextual edit bar click Copy .
  2. (Optional) Set a different style for the modified objects.
  3. Consider the following situations:

NOTE: In both situations you can use point-focused snapping for the starting and target points.

IMPORTANT: At this point the program begins to automatically detect the relations available to the objects you touch with the mouse pointer. Relations with other objects are ignored.

  1. (Optional) To create more mirror images of the same objects, repeat Steps 3–5.
  2. Press ESC to exit the mode.
