Creating, editing design selection parameters

  1. Do any of the following:

The Cost Model Management dialog box appears.

  1. Select the cost model that you want to edit, and then click Edit.

The Edit Cost Model dialog box appears.

  1. In New, click the down arrow, and then click Design Selection Parameter.

The Design Selection Parameter dialog box appears.

  1. In Name, type a name for the design selection parameter.
  2. In Selection types, select a selection type from the dropdown list.

NOTE: Selection types are sets of predefined values that the selection parameter can adopt. Learn how to create selection tables.

  1. In Values, select the default value for the selected selection type.

NOTE: This is the default value that the parameter will have each time the cost model is loaded.

  1. (Optional) In Formatting, set a formatting pattern for the parameter.
  2. To complete the creation of the parameter, click OK.

The newly created parameter appears in the list of the cost model — see Step 1.