Setting a viewing order for cost model parameters

You can arrange the parameters in your own order and group them according to a property that makes sense to you. In arranging this alternative reordering, you can:

Setting view order of a cost model

Using a cost model with a set view order..Grouping parameters around a common attribute lets you bundle them into collapsible nests that make room in the tabular area.

It is important to know that setting your own parameter viewing order does not affect the order set for the calculation of the job to which the cost model is applied. Estimating jobs costs takes place according to the order in which parameters appear in the Edit Cost Model dialog box.

To set cost parameters' viewing order

  1. Do any of the following:

The Edit Cost Model dialog box appears, listing the parameters in the cost model. By default, this is also the order in which the parameters appear in the tabular area of EngView's Cost Estimator tab.

  1. Click Set Viewing Order.

The Cost Parameters View Order dialog box appears.

To arrange the parameters in groups and move them across the list, follow the procedures below.

I. To create a parameter group

  1. Select a parameter that you want to put into a group.
  2. Do any of the following:

A new group appears with the currently selected parameter.

II. To rename a parameter group

By default, new groups are given default names — Group0, Group1, and so on. You can overwrite the default name and give the group a name that relates to your job.

III. To add a parameter to an existing group

  1. Select the parameter and then, using the Up and Down buttons, move it immediately below the group.
  2. Do any of the following:

The parameter moves into the group, in the bottommost position. To move it across the group to where you need it, select it and then use the Up and Down buttons.

IV. To remove a parameter from a group

  1. Select the parameter.
  2. Do any of the following:

NOTE: If a group contains only one parameter, after you ungroup the parameter, the group disappears.

V. To delete a parameter group

To delete a group, you must first remove all the parameters in the group. (See Procedure IV about how to do this.) When you remove the last parameter, the group disappears on its own.