Dimensioning radii and diameters

You can dimension the radii and diameters of circles, arcs and fillets. You can do so by clicking consecutively on the center and the respective control point of the ellipse that lies on its circumference.

To dimension radii and diameters of circles, arcs and fillets

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click the object that you want to dimension.

A contextual edit bar appears above the graphical area.

  1. Do one of the following:

In the unavailable box, the value of the radius or diameter is displayed.

  1. Click where you want the dimension line to be.

To dimension primary and secondary radii of ellipses

  1. Do one of the following:
  1. Click consecutively the center point of the ellipse and the control point that defines the primary or secondary radius of the ellipse, respectively.
  2. Click where you want the measure line to be.
