Applying perfa fonts

NOTE: To be able to apply a perfa font, ensure that it is saved in the Perfa Fonts folder of your installation. By default this folder is in C:\EngViewWork7\Settings\EngView Fonts\Perfa Fonts.

To apply a perfa font

  1. Do any of the following:

A contextual edit bar appears above the graphical area.

  1. In the right-hand drop-down menu, select the perfa font that you will use.
  2. In the left-hand text field, type your text. The text will appear in the drawing area.

NOTE: If you are using the predefined Standard font, use CAPITAL LETTERS to type the text.

NOTE: The program computes the width of the bounding rectangle using rules set in the font's file.

Note the bounding rectangle. It represents the guide-rail, which holds the text's symbols. The program computes the rectangle's length and height by rules stored in the font file.

  1. After you have typed the text, begin dragging it into the graphical area and position it where you want it to be.

During the positioning of a perfa text, the program detects the current view side of the material and will mirror the string if necessary. The string will be stored in the structural layer (rear/front) that corresponds to the diecutting side of the material. As a result, the text is readable on the diecutting side of the material:

Perfa fonts in the Layers & Objects tab:

  1. Inspect the perfa text you have placed in the 3D representation.