A perfa font project opens with five default drawings — A; {term}*; {space}*; {missing}* and {BoundingRect}* — and accompanying parameters*.
WARNING: Do not rename these drawings and parameters.
IMPORTANT: In the perfa font project, draw each symbol in an individual drawing. This means that a perfa font will have as many drawings as is the number of its symbols. The first symbol drawing (A) is loaded by default. If you are creating a symbol other than CAPITAL A, rename the drawing by double-clicking it.
NOTE ON UNIT CONVERSION: A parameter's expression uses a three-argument function: unitconv(Arg 1; "Arg 2"; "current"), Arg 1 is a value; Arg 2 sets the measurements units for the Arg 1 value when it was set; Arg 3=current guarantees that when you apply the font to a structure, the Arg 1 value will be converted in currently used metric units. See the following example:
unitconv(25,00; "mm"; "current"). Here, the program treats the parameter's value (25) in the metric units set in the second argument (mm). When we leave the third argument "current," when we apply the font to a structure in a project whose metric units are millimeters, the font height will stay 25 mm high and will be presented in millimeters. If, on the other hand, we apply the font to a structure in a project whose metric units are inches, the font height will stay the same but presented as 13/64 inches (25 mm).
Now begin drawing the symbol's circles, creating the shape of the symbol as you want it to be.
IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the side of the drawing on which you are creating the symbol — the dieboard's front or rear side. See the image below for guidance of how drawing sides affect symbols' orientations.
IMPORTANT: The layers created in Steps 5–7 must be assigned to the group Article (pictured).
IMPORTANT: The name must be identical with that of the symbol drawn in it. For example, a drawing of the symbol for the capital letter F must be named a capital letter F.
Fastener plates represent holes through which bolts or other fasteners will pass to hold the perfa text to the dieboard. These holes are used mainly in MINI perfa fonts, which use smaller-sized plates.
IMPORTANT: The layer must be assigned to a group Article (pictured).
The result:
NOTE: If the perfa font does not use fasteners — for example, a Standard perfa font — there is no need for you to draw anything in the {term} drawing. In this case, the value of the parameter Term must be No. See the following picture for how a MINI perfa font (left) uses fastener plates and how a Standard perfa font (right) does not.
You can draw symbols that will mark any symbols you may type but the program will not recognize. If you are typing a symbol that the program does not recognize because the selected font has no such symbol, the program will use the missing symbol to indicate it.
If, when using the perfa font, you want to visualize the size of the guide-rail that holds the text, in the {BoundingRect} drawing drag the base component 99 Perfa Font Guide Rail.evb. It will resize automatically around the perfa text. Find the component in Individual Components\90 Parts\97 Text Areas (pictured).
The drawing has two local parameters:
TextL EngView fills the parameter's expression according to the size of the typed text; it adds each value of the parameter W, assigned to each symbol in the perfa text.
TotalRailCost The total cost of the guide-rail. You can edit the parameter formula as your case requires. The parameter plays a role in the calculation of the perfa text's price.
After you have defined the perfa font, you proceed by saving it and making it ready for use. Perfa fonts are saved as EVFNT files in your installation's Perfa Fonts folder. By default, the path is C:\EngViewWork7\Settings\EngView Fonts\Perfa Fonts.
The Save As dialog box appears opening the Perfa Fonts directory.