Extracting dimensions of 3D model phases

You can write formulas to extract information about the dimensions of a 3D model in the various states (phases) of the folding sequence. To refer to each state (phase), you can use:

Why use code words

Referring to a phase by its original name is the natural thing to do, but why should we use code words for the same thing?

sing code words is the only way that guarantees that design frames written while EngView was in one UI language will extract the corect information when a print drawing is generated from it with EngView working in another language. This technique is especially handy in organizations in which designers use EngView EngView in more than one UI language. As a result, design frames created while the EngView UI was, for example, in English can be used for creating print drawings when EngView's UI is in, for example, in German, without the need of renaming phases or editing formulas.

Default phase names:

In creating the 3D model, EngView produces the following default phase names: Initial State, Production,* and Usage. If, in design frame formulas, these phase names are typed in one language — say, English — and then the design frame is used for creating a print drawing while EngView's UI is in another language, EngView will not read the formulas, because the phase names referred to in them and the phase names of the current 3D model will not match.

* The Production phase is gesnerated automatically only when you use the wizard for creating production phase. When you create a 3D model by hand, EngView generates only the phases Initial State and Usage; you then proceed with the 3D model by creating by hand the phases that you need, including the one that you will name Production.

Referring to the 3D model phases by their names

In the design frame, use as arguments the names of the phases exactly as they appear in the 3D model.

In a 3D model, use the phase name Initial and feel free to rename the rest of the phases as you need them — for example, Glued, Delivery, Ready for use, and Closed. Then use these name in the design frame formula. Consider the following examples and note the arguments in blue:

Formula patterns

The width of the 3D model at the end of the Glued phase. $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(Glued; mm)$
The width of the 3D model at the end of the Ready for use phase. $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(Ready for use; mm)$

Referring to 3D model phases by code words

The need to use identical 3D model phase names when working with different UI languages can be overcome by typing, in the design frame formulas, of code words instead of the actual phase names.

IMPORTANT: You can use code words only for the phases Initial State, Production and Usage, as well as for the last phase, regardless of what its name is. The code words work also when these phases' names are translated.

How it works

In the design frame, the formula looks like this (note the red argument):

$Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(Argument; mm)$

This formula extracts the width of the structure as it appears in the Initial State regardless of what its name is in the language currently being used.

The initial state in the 3D model, regardless of what its name is in the UI language currently being used. #open; #initial; #init; #first
The phase named Production* #transport
The phase named Usage** #closed
The last phase in the 3D model, regardless of what its name is. #final; #last
The phase you have currently selected in the 3D drawing used in the applied design frame*** #current

* If in a design frame you use the formula $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(#transport; mm)$, when you apply this design frame into a project, EngView will be searching for a phase whose name is the translation of the default word Production with regard to the UI language you have set. For example, if the program's UI is in English, EngView will be searching for a phase named Production; if the UI is in German, EngView will search for a phase named Produktion (if this is how the word is translated for the German-language UI).

** If you are write the formula $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(#closed; mm)$ in a design frame, when you apply this design frame for a print drawing job, EngView will search for a phase whose name is the translation of the default word Usage with regard to the UI language you have set. For example, if EngView's UI is in English, the program will search for a phase named Usage; if the UI is in German, EngView will search for a what has been translated for this phase in EngView's German-language UI.

*** If in the 3D drawing you switch the selected phase and then refresh the print drawing, the formula will return the dimension that relates to the newly selected phase.