Formulas counting parts in layout drawings

The formulas that follow extract how many parts there are in layout drawings.

NOTE: If a formula is applied to a drawing that has no parts, the result is 0.

The formulas

How many OneUp parts there are in all layouts. PartsCount()
How many OneUpN parts there are in all layouts. "OneUpN".PartsCount()
How many OneUp parts there are in LayoutN. LayoutN.PartsCount()
How many OneUpN parts there are in LayoutN. "OneUpN".PartsCount(LayoutN)
How many OneUpN parts there are in LayoutN. LayoutN.PartsCount(OneUpN)
How many OneUpN parts there are in a layout drawing named "Layout Drawing N". "Layout Drawing N".PartsCount(OneUpN)


The n0 rounding identifier displays the result without a fractional part.

TO print how many USE Example
OneUp parts there are in all layouts. $PartsCount(); n0$ 17
OneUp1 parts there are in all layouts $"OneUp1".PartsCount(); n0$ 13
OneUp parts there are in Layout1. $Layout1.PartsCount(); n0$ 5
OneUp1 parts there are in Layout1. $"OneUp1".PartsCount(Layout1); n0$ 14
$Layout1.PartsCount(OneUp1); n0$
OneUp3 parts there are in the "Layout Drawing 2" drawing. $"Layout Drawing 2".PartsCount(OneUp3); n0$ 12

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.