Extracting Data From Projects in Project Organizer

The lists display the formulas that you can use in design frames to cite information stored in a Project Organizer project.

Information related to projects

The name of the project. $PO.ProjectName$
The code by which the project is referred to in Project Organizer. $PO.Code$
The date when an order was made. $PO.OrderDate$
The date when delivery is due. $PO.DeliveryDate$
The current status of the project in Project Organizer. $PO.Status$
The price of the project. $PO.Price$
Any notes for the project. $PO.Note$
The material used in the project. $PO.Material$
How many pieces have been ordered. $PO.PcsCount$
How many colors are needed in the project. $PO.ColorsCount$
The width of the design used in the project. $PO.Width$
The length of the used design. $PO.Length$
The height of the used design. $PO.Height$

Information related to customers

The name of the customer. $PO.CustomerName$
The code identifying the customer. $PO.Customer.Code$
Whom to contact about the project. $PO.Customer.Contacts$
The phone number for the customer. $PO.Customer.Phones$
The mobile phone number for the customer. $PO.Customer.Mobiles$
The fax number for the customer. $PO.Customer.Fax$
The email for the customer. $PO.Customer.Email$
A second email for the customer. $PO.Customer.Email2$
The customer's website. $PO.Customer.WWW$
The customer's address. $PO.Customer.Address$
Notes about the customer $PO.Customer.Notes$
The last time the customer was contacted $PO.Customer.Contacted$

Information related to users (designers)

The user's login name $PO.Designer.Name$
The user's full name $PO.Designer.FullName$
The user's email account $PO.Designer.Email$
The user's phone number $PO.Designer.Phones$

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.