Formulas for extracting overall dimensions in 3D models and inserted objects

The following two sets of formulas lets you extract the overall dimensions of 3D models and external object inserted into 3D models.

The overall dimensions correspond to the length, width and height of the bounding box that encompasses the 3D model or inserted object. These values are taken from the length, width and height that are displayed in the tabular area of 3D drawings — in the Dimensions column of each phase.

Formulas for extracting the overall dimensions of 3D models

Length Fold3DN.BoundingBoxLength(PhaseName; Units; UseParts)
Width Fold3DN.BoundingBoxWidth(PhaseName; Units; UseParts)
Height Fold3DN.BoundingBoxHeight(PhaseName; Units; UseParts)



To print Use
The length, in millimeters, of the bounding box as it appears in the Initial State phase $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxLength(Initial State; mm; true)$ mm.
The width, in millimeters, of the bounding box as it appears in the Production phase $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(Production; mm; yes)$ mm.
The height, in millimeters, of the bounding box as it appears in the Assembly phase $Fold3D3.BoundingBoxHeight(Assembly; mm; 1)$ mm.

Formulas for extracting the overall dimensions of inserted objects

Length $Fold3DN.BoundingBoxLength(, Units)$
Width $Fold3DN.BoundingBoxWidth(, Units)$
Height $Fold3DN.BoundingBoxHeight(, Units)$

NOTE:Units makes the formula extract the dimension values in the currently used measurement units. In formulas, the letters indicating the metrics (units) must be in small case.


To print Use Example
The length, in mm., of an inserted objects linked to Fold3D1. Precision 2. $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxLength(, mm)$ mm. 34.50 mm.
The width, in cm., of the inserted object linked to Fold3D1. Precision 2. $Fold3D1.BoundingBoxWidth(, cm)$ cm. 4.20 cm.
The height, in mm., of the inserted object linked to Fold3D3. Precision 2. $Fold3D3.BoundingBoxHeight(, mm)$ mm. 14.60 mm.

NOTE: When citing the names of external objects, pay attention to how they are placed into the respective predefined areas.


In the following table, the left frames cite the predefined areas. All dimensions-extracting formulas in the right frames refer to the objects placed into the predefined areas.

IMPORTANT: In design frames, Expression means that a formula is correctly entered and will produce an actual result when the design frame is applied in a print drawing.


The following pictures shows how external objects are linked to predefined areas as pictured above. While you are setting up the print drawing, you refer the external objects to the predefined area names. In the Print Frame Placement dialog box, you refer the external objects to the predefined areas. When in the dialog box you click Apply, you will see how the formulas are applied and the external objects displayed in the predefined areas.

IMPORTANT: Note the actual extracted overall dimensions of external objects under 3D dimensions.

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.