Formulas extracting parameter values and properties

You can extract the values of parameters and use them in design frames. In the formula, replace Argument with the argument that you need.

The formula

1up $OneUpN.ParameterName.Argument$

The arguments

NAME The name of the parameter
VALUE The value of the parameter as calculated through its expression
EXPR The expression that computes the parameter's value. For selection parameters, the used selection type is displayed.
DESCR Notes about the parameter as displayed in the Description box of the Parameter dialog box. Appears as a tooltip in the tabular area.
VALEXPR The parameter value displayed as text, not as a number
VALDESCR (selection parameters only) Notes describing a selection type
MIN The lowest value a parameter can have as set by a parameter or а formula.
MINEXPR The expression that defines the lowest value of a parameter.
MAX The highest value a parameter can have as set by a parameter or а formula.
MAXEXPR The expression that defines the highest value of a parameter.
GROUPNAMES A comma-separated list of the parameter groups a parameter belongs to

Applying the arguments in parameters in OneUp1

To display Use Result
The value of parameter L $OneUp1.L$ 125.00
The name of parameter L $OneUp1.L.Name$ L
The expressions of the standard parameter L and GLC (Corrugated material: Corrections groups) $OneUp1.L.Expr$; GLC=$OneUp1.GLC.Expr$ 125; GLC=GlueCorr(d());
The expression of selection parameter DT $OneUp1.DT.Expr$ dtD
The expression that computes parameter L $OneUp1.L.ValExpr$ 125.00 (as text, not a number)
The description of selection parameter DT $OneUp1.DT.Descr$ Box length
The description of the value of selection parameter DT $OneUp1.DT.ValDescr$ Inside dimensions
The lowest value of parameter PH $OneUp1.PH.Min$ 20
The expression that defines the lowest value of parameter PH $OneUp1.PH.MinExpr$ W/2
The highest value of parameter W $OneUp1.W.Max$ 60
The expression that defines the highest value for parameter W $OneUp1.W.MaxExpr$ L
The groups to which parameter A belongs $OneUp1.A.GroupNames$ Main, Panel

See the general rules for how to write formulas and format formula results.