Creating articles

You create articles in the 1up drawing. Once you have created an article, you proceed to associate layers to it that carry the specific surface finishing effects you need for the article. Depending on your needs for the article, you may create new layers or associate existing layers to the article.

To create an article and associate layers to it

  1. In the tabular area, click the Layers & Objects tab.
  2. In the Layers & Articles section, click New Artwork .

The new artwork is created immediately and is now active. It appears in the Artworks drop-down list.

  1. (Optional) To rename the artwork, in the Name column click the artwork's name, and then type the new name.
  2. To be able to use the artwork, you need to associate layers to it. Consider your situation:
  1. (Optional) In the Position column, click to apply the layer to the front or rear side of the structure.