Choosing a placement snap point

While placing a design into the sheet, you can choose a point to use as a snap point. This point is then used for snapping the to-be-placed design to objects in the sheet.

Starting from the center of the design, you can switch between three (and more) control point and select one of them to be the snap point for placing the design into the sheet.

To use snap placement point

  1. Begin dragging a design into the sheet.
  2. Just when you are about to place the design into the sheet, on the contextual edit bar click Select Snap Control Point .

The design freezes, letting you move the mouse pointer around it.

  1. Begin moving the mouse around the design. You see the control points in the design.
  1. Select the control point that you want to use as a snap point, and then click it.
  2. Using the mouse, move the design into the sheet and begin seeking the place for the design.

You are placing the new design (in blue) near the first one. The placement is controlled through the central snap point. Note the free-hanging line. It indicates that the new design has reached the no-go area of the first design and cannot move any closer to it.

NOTE: You can switch the snap point at any moment by pressing CTRL, and then using the mouse to select another snap point.