About parameter templates

What is a parameter template

A parameter template is a set of predefined data for use in parameter expressions.

Parameter templates are especially useful in the creation and management of resizable designs for corrugated packaging. On the one hand, in corrugated designs, numerous corrections need to be done in single and double creases. On the other hand, the value of the same correction — for example, one about a 90-degree folding — depends on the thickness of the material. Also, designers need to apply the same corrections to the whole library of designs. For this to take place quickly and with least effort, all the corrections are stored as functions in a parameter template, and designs refer to them. So that a change in the corrections in parameter templates is reflected in all designs that use this parameter template (through the material used).

Parameter templates enable the automation of changes in the corrections, through the expressions of design parameters in which these functions are used. In other words, parameter templates allow the simultaneous customization of all resizable designs that use the respective parameter template.

Using parameter templates

Parameter templates are attached to:

Makeup of parameter templates

In a parameter template, there are three types of data: selection types, functions and parameters. For details, see Structure and storage of parameter templates.