Viewing the current parameter template

You can inspect the structure of the parameter template you are working with. You can examine the selection types and functions. When viewing the template, you cannot edit it.

To view a parameter template

  1. In the tabular area, click the Parameters tab.
  2. In the table, right-click, and then click View Current Template on the context menu.

The View Parameter Template dialog box appears. It consists of two tabs: Selection Types and Functions.

The Selection Types tab

List of selection types Displays a list of the selection types in the parameter template. A selection type can have multiple entries, and you can choose from them when you define a selection parameter based on the respective selection type. When you select a selection type, its entries appear in the table opposite.

Selection entries pane Displays the names and expressions of the entries that belong to the currently selected selection type.

The Functions tab

Name Displays the name (declaration) of the function.

Expression Displays the expression of the function. The program uses the expression to calculate the value when the function is used in the expression of an expression parameter.

Min The minimal value the function may calculate to. 'No bound' appears when nothing has been specified for this property.

Max The maximum value the function may calculate to. 'No bound' appears when nothing has been specified for this property.

Description A description of the function — for example, what is does, how to use it, or similar.