Vertical lines relation

A line or an axis can be defined as vertical if they are parallel to the y-axis. A vertical-lines relation is detected automatically and cannot be set and kept, except in the case with axis lines.

To detect a vertical-lines relation implicitly

  1. Place the first control point of a line or an axis.
  2. Position the line or axis preview to be vertical — that is, parallel to the y-axis — until the vertical-lines relation indicator appears.

note: A vertical-lines relation can be detected implicitly if the Vertical line check box in the Tools | Options | Relations tab is selected.

To detect a vertical-lines relation through snapping


note: The parallel and perpendicular relations take precedence over the vertical-lines relation. For example, when you are drawing a line and its preview is parallel to both the x-axis and another horizontal line, a parallel relation is detected with the other line.

A vertical lines relation

A vertical line - parallel to Oy.

Moving the vertical line.

note: Since the relation is defined between a line and the y-axis, when you modify vertical lines, they are not kept parallel to the y-axis: a vertical lines relation is detected, but not set.