Using lasso selection

Lasso selection is a technique of free-hand selection in which you direct the mouse pointer wherever the objects you want to select are and do not release the mouse button until all the objects are selected. You do not use a selecting rectangle but change the direction of selection as the case requires.

If you have opted for the one-click selection method, the direction of the selection changes with each time you stop the mouse but do not release the mouse button.

To use the lasso selection

  1. Do any of the following:

A contextual edit bar appears.

  1. Define the selection application zone.
  2. Click Lasso .
  3. Point to where you want the selection to begin, click, and start dragging to enclose the objects that you want to select.
  4. To change the direction of selection, click, and then proceed with the selection. Note that the direction has changed at the point where you clicked.
  5. Continue with the selection until you have selected the objects that you want.
  6. After you have enclosed the objects that you want, to complete the selection, click twice.

The objects inscribed by the selection zone are selected.