Folding Carton
ECMA Code Designs
A - Long Seam Rectangular
A20.45.03.01 Tuck-In Flap Closure - Winged Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap
A20.45.03.01 Tuck-In Flap Closure - Winged Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap
The A20.45.03.01 standard
A20.45.03.01.a Tuck-In Flap Closure - Winged Flap Closure with Dustproof Flap
Parameter-Dimension Dependences Quick Reference
Main Parameters
Layers Parameters
Panels Parameters
Gusset Flaps Parameters
Trapezoidal Panel Parameters
Tuck End Parameters
Dust Flap Parameters
Glue Flap Parameters