Widening the default style shortcut icons

You can widen the widths of the style shortcut icons to make them easily accessible.

default-size icons

widened icons

NOTE: You can increase the width of all style shortcut icons at once. You cannot increase, for example, the widths of the odd- or even-numbered style shortcuts, or those of individual icons.

To widen the default styles shortcut icons

  1. Make sure Prinect is closed.
  2. Go to your installation's Settings folder. (Normally, C:\EngViewWork7\Settings. Check the exact location by going to Tools | Options | File Locations (Local Settings).)
  3. Use a text editor to open the EVPDD.evt file.
  4. In the file's View Options section, locate the StyleShortcutWidthScale= string, and then type a number to the right of the equal sign.

TIP: The value 1 means the default width, and each value upwards increases the icon width. You can experiment with values, for example from 2 to 10, to see which icon width suits you best.

NOTE: If you do not find the parameter StyleShortcutWidthScale, create it in the View Options section, like so: StyleShortcutWidthScale=2.

  1. Save the EVPDD.evt file, and then restart Prinect. The icons are now as wide as you have set them.