Functions extracting data from cost models

This page lists the functions that you can use in cost model parameters to extract production-related data and use these data to calculate a project's final cost. EngView extracts the data from the project to which the cost model is applied. You type the functions in the parameter Expression box as part of the overall parameter expression (pictured).

Use functions Length Area

Sheet Area


Sheet area SheetArea(units) or Sheet(units)


to extract sheet area use
In square millimeters, default measurement units SheetArea()
In square centimeters SheetArea(cm)
In square decimeters SheetArea(dm)

Sheet Width and Height


Sheet Width SheetWidth(units)
Sheet Height SheetHeight(units)


to extract sheet's: use
Width in default units SheetWidth()
Height in decimeters SheetHeight(dm)

Sheet Margins


Margin Function
Upper SheetTopMargin(units)
Lower SheetBottomMargin(units)
Left SheetLeftMargin(units)
Right SheetRightMargin(units)


to extract margin use
Upper, in centimeters and default rounding SheetTopMargin(cm)
Lower, in decimeters and default rounding SheetBottomMargin(dm)
Left, in centimeters and rounding 0 SheetLeftMargin(cm)
Right, in millimeters and rounding 0 SheetRightMargin(mm)

Board area

to extract use
Board area BoardArea(units) or Board(units)
to extract board area: use
In square centimeters BoardArea(cm) or Board(cm)
In the default units BoardArea() or Board()
In square decimeters BoardArea(dm) or Board(dm)
Rule-to-rule distances Material thickness Flute/Grain direction Material grammage Parameter values Manufacturing joint functions Material cost

Counting layout parts

In the active drawing In a specified drawing
Perfa: Counting Font Cost Perfa: Counting Symbols Perfa: Counting texts